When That Which is Good Becomes Evil
The Russian Empire of the nineteenth and early twentieth century was a country in decline, whilst paradoxically, on the precipice of ascendancy. As the years progressed, Imperial Russia saw a steady growth in the rates of literary, industrialization, and had a birthrate that was poised to reach a billion people midway through the 1900s. Yet, culturally and morally Russia was in decline, one need not look further than the writings of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy to see, that like France before her, a deep moral rot was to be found there. For many Orthodox faithful, the Church was seen with suspicion due to it being subordinated to state power upon the wishes of tsar Peter the Great, who sought to emulate the religious structures found in Lutheran countries. Thus, Christians would seek out spiritual solace from monastics and hermits, individuals seen as living the Christian faith outside of the world’s influence. Now to be fair, the Russian state purported to be (and often time was) Orthodox, and the control exerted by the government was not opposed to Christianity or sought to undermine it. Yet in the personage of Tsar St. Nicholas II, we see a figure who sought to restore Russia to her former trajectory, eschewing the diversions of reformers who sought to bring westernization, secularization, and democratization to Russia. Instead, St. Nicholas sought to head a state that was true to the interests and needs of his peoples.
Despite the best intentions of the Tsar, the rot had set in too deep, and he was either unable or unwilling to unleash the kind of terror that would be required to enforce his vision up his realm. I say terror because we see the kind of terrors those who slew the Tsar and raped his nation were capable of, and thus an equal if not greater terror would have been needed to quell them (Francoist Spain as an example). The life is in the blood1 and the shedding of blood, especially noble blood, is an act of great weight and power. Upon the death of the Tsar and his family, the bonds which had contained Satan and his demons were loosed, and Russia, once formally seen by Orthodox faithful as the Third Rome and last fortress against the Antichrist, became the throne-realm of Satan himself. Now I do not know if the slaying of the Tsar and his family was ritualistic in nature, or that it literally released Satan from his captivity. Those who say such things seem to be making hyperbolic claims. But even if that was not the intention of the Bolshevik murderers, they did release upon Russia an unimaginable curse. Now, at certain times I have justified the actions of the Soviet Union, often in the context of modern politics and my opposition to liberal democracy. However, the Soviet Union I attempt to rationalize is that of the later period, when Brezhnev and Gorbachev served as General Security. This later Soviet Union was one that was less concerned about Communist principals in the absolute, and instead the realities of great power politics, a subject of interest to me. This later Soviet Union was slowly transitioning away from orthodox Marxist-Leninism, but eventually the inherent contradictions of the Soviet system proved too straining and the power structures that sustained the Union collapsed. The late Soviet Union, despite its socialistic core, is a state that one can rationalize, which is why the US was able to sign treaties with them, and why some leftists in the West hold the USSR in some esteem. For such leftists, they tacitly acknowledge the horrors of the early Soviet period, but these are retroactively justified by what the Union became and what, according to Marxist theories, it was progressing towards. Alas, when I look at the period of Bolshevik and early Soviet rule, I see a state which utterly defies reason.
Certain horrible acts can be justified and serve a legitimate purpose. Those acts committed by the Communists in Europe, and later emulated by those in Asia, Africa, and South America, are acts utterly devoid of reason. The acts committed by the Soviets and their client regimes are the purest manifestation of demonic intelligences acting in the world that has ever been witnessed. With the tsar’s death, the demons were truly freed to do that which they wanted within the borders of formally Holy Russia and the unfortunate souls who were subjected to her. I will not delve into the horrors of Socialist rule in Eastern Europe. For that I hesitantly recommend Daryl Cooper’s podcast episode entitled The Anti-Humans.2I cannot in good conscience recommend that you listen to that episode, as I do maintain that the content it describes is spiritually distressing and physiologically damaging. After listening to it, I look into the face of others and feel a great anxiety knowing both the depths to which people are able to suffer and to inflict suffering. I pray this pain will pass. This trait of inflicting suffering is not limited to a specific ethnicity and not unequally Russian. Poles, Croats, Romanians, and yes Jews all perpetrated the worst assaults imaginable on their fellow co-ethnics, attacks which are designed to strip the soul from the body. As one former prisoner of both Auschwitz and later a repurposed concentration camp run by Communist Poles, the prisoner in his memoirs stated that he would have rather spent a decade under German captivity than a day under the Poles.
Also, one fact that is so often forgotten is the suffering of ethnic Russians in the Soviet Union. Everyone today mourns the atrocities committed against Ukrainians, the Cossacks, the Tatars, and the Warsaw Pact nations, yet we conveniently forget that the Holodomor did not respect Ukrainian borders and was perpetrated in Russia proper as well. The Russians had to be destroyed, and a great many of them were. For the Russians to be useful to those in power, they had to be destroyed and reconstituted as something else, as a Soviet. As Lenin said: “Russians are too kind, they lack the ability to apply determined methods of revolutionary terror.” This is why the first elite class of the Soviet Union contained within it very few ethnic Russians, and why even later members of the secret police and other organizations were seldom Russian. The horrors the Soviet Union propagated upon the world were first enacted at home, primarily upon those ethnicities and cultures which claimed an expansive history and identity which could threaten Socialism. So when those today denounce Russia and claim she is in any way Soviet, we should remember that it was the Russians who first suffered under the socialist ideology imposed upon them by a foreign and hostile tribe, and that millions of ethnic Russians fought against the Bolsheviks in the White army and even with the forces of Hitler’s Reich. No one hated communism more than the Russians, but when your own government exterminates entire regions of your country with nary a thought, what possible resistance can be mustered? In the early Soviet Union, you were expected to be a communist in soul. It did not matter if you were loyal, law abiding, or even a member of the party, if your soul was not dedicated to the cause you would either be tortured or killed, or both. Again, you had to be a communist, so far as to say that being communist was your primary ontological point of being, with human being a secondary, and given dialectical materialism, an accidental state at that. After all, Communism is scientific, it is the natural state of universal existence that all of the universe is developing towards. Those who are not communist are thus not only enemies of the state but of the universe itself, carrying within them defective genes that carry reactionary tendencies that, by necessity, must be destroyed. This was the communism of Lenin and of Stalin to a degree, even though Stalin had to amend many aspects of communism to ensure the survival of the USSR during the Second World War.
The Russian Empire was imperfect and was to a degree in decline, but she was good. You would see leaders and officials who would exploit the nation, forsake ideals and hopes of the Third Rome, but you would also see leaders and officials who would best represent these qualities. Yet when the eagle was felled, a hitherto unimaginable evil took her place, a state which fought God the only way it could but by attacking not the Church, not God Himself, but the very soul of her subjects. It is a testament to the holiness of Russia that her fall produced in the world such an evil. Ultimately, such diablerie is unsustainable. If the Soviet Union were to survive, it could not afford to expend material resources on what were ultimately unmaterialistic ends. Socialism as an economic policy was a failure, and ultimately realpolitik superseded ideology.
Canada was a good country, and it can be a good country again. Of this I have no doubt. The twenty-first century has seen the rise of what I call continental powers. By this I mean large states that span the length of continents and in other eras would be home to numerous little states as opposed to singular large states. Canada has the potential to be such one continental power on par with the United States, Russia, the European Union, and China. Canada has been so blessed that we essentially need nothing from the outside world. We have all the natural resources we need to feed our nation, sustain our industries, and fuel our economy. There is no need for Canada to import food, and if we had leaders who protected our manufacturing base and local corporations, we would not need to import textiles, automobiles, etc. Canada has been cursed with leaders who care not for our nation, our heritage, or God Himself. Our healthcare system is overloaded, and we are encouraged to kill ourselves through MAID. We are told that we need to grow our population for the sake of the economy, but instead of attempting to raise the birthrate, our leaders wish to import the third world as it takes too long for a child to become economically viable. Apparently, Canada also hosts on her soil literal assassins,3 terrorists, and members of the drug cartels. According to Frank Vaughan,4 a man whom I politically agree and disagree with in equal parts, Canada’s domestic ruling class has resigned itself to being lorded over by organized crime and state backed actors which facilitate that crime.
Canada is one of, if not the, world’s largest distributor of fentanyl. Our porous southern border is exploited by terrorists and drug smugglers, many of whom are affiliated with the Chinese. Canada has been deliberately weakened by our leadership caste for decades, and in the modern era has seemingly surrendered herself to criminals, both elected and otherwise. Whatever happens regarding tariffs or elections, Canada, if she is to survive, needs in her ruler the kind of resolve Tsar St. Nicholas was unable or unwilling to enact. What this resolve will look like I cannot say, it could be economic decline for example. I cannot say if Canada is better or worse off than the Russian Empire of the nineteenth century. Our people are immoral, and our leaders are not serious individuals who present themselves as able to deal with situations of high magnitude. Most damning of all, we have leaders who are antagonistic to founding stalk Canadians, to our religion, our history, our culture, our heritage, and our heroes. If a leader does not love his people, then what does he seek to accomplish? Loyalty and identity are dictated by concentric rings of nearness. Our first loyalty is to God who resides within us, then we have our family who are closest spiritually and genetically to us. Next, we have our community, whom we share a culture and common interests, and often times genetics as well. Further on we have our nation, our racial group, and finally the whole of humanity. God and family supersede nation, but nation is worth dying and killing for. Country, although more abstract, is still worth fighting for, but a country can decline to the point where she is no longer viable, and unworthy of the nation’s blood. My ancestors had to flee Bolshevik rule, and I do not see this as rendering them traitors to their people, as they were forced to abide by a higher loyalty. I do not know what state Canada ultimately is in, but I do know what a once good country is capable of when it falls to evil, and I worry that we might currently be walking that line at present.
1Leviticus 17:11.