Build a Castle
My homeland of Canada was once good in every way in which that judgment can be applied to a country. I maintain that most of the issues currently plaguing Canada are the results of our current and past leaders (dating to just after the Second World War) adopting an internationalist view of Canada as opposed to the prior unequivocal view. Canada as a country and nation has been endowed with great riches and potential, and prior to the 1990’s had been predominately settled by a lordly group of people. There are perennial internal conflicts within Canada related to ethnicity, culture, religion, and language, but one of the purposes of Confederation was to alleviate or at least quieten these divisions. The Canada of old firmly defined what it meant to be Canadian, and like the Old Continent from which we came, our race was diverse and pluralistic, yet we all shared a common weltanschauung and telos even if the peculiarities of our ethnicities, cultures, and religions at times obscured that reality. Canadians of old were pioneers, we were all called to suffer together, to overcome climate and fauna, and Canadians of the British Isles greatly profited from the experiences and wisdom of the French Canadians, who like an elder sibling aided in our mutual (if uneven a times) settling. There most likely could never be full reconciliation or full equality between French, English, Irish, and Scottish Canadians, but so long as the desires and needs of each group could be fulfilled upon these shores, equality was of no concern. Equality in our modern sense did not exist within the nations Canada is a descendent from, therefore it is rather foolish to assume we would strive for or even desire equality here. Our peoples demand freedom (the ability to do that which is just), not equality, as it has been said “equality is the ruin of liberty”.1
Freedom is not that which the law permits its citizens or subjects to do. Freedom is a faculty we are endowed with, and just as God has seen fit to permit a diversity of peoples and individuals with differing levels of intelligence, strength, and so on, certain peoples and individuals are born freer than others. Canada was founded to be a free nation for those who were already free. Confederation was simply the legal recognition that those within our Dominion were such a people that warranted freedom, and thus it was a waste of resources and time for our affairs to be managed by London. Ironically, considering how events descended in the Thirteen Colonies and later the US, with revolution civil war, unrest, etc., it is evident that the “Americans” were such a people unfit for the freedom they, like Prometheus, thieved from powers divine. Confederation was not the “freeing” of Canada, as one cannot be given that which they already possess, but rather was an external expression of what had already existed. Freedom is for those of a free race and class, as freedom begets responsibility, suffering and pain. Freedom is a faculty that we are forced to nurture and use, and those without or with a less developed faculty of freedom are often times able to live lives more restive. In Canada, our Indian population is seen as one such people who do not possess freedom to the same degree that Canadians do. This is what the Indian Act of 1876 recognizes, as opposed to establishes. Now of course, there are many Indians (Indigenous, First Nations, etc.)2 who are capable of freedom, and I have met said individuals. However, broadly speaking this is not the case despite the best efforts of the Canadian government to uplift the Indians through policies such as the residential school program. You may decry the residential schools all you like, but ultimately their goal was noble and even saw some successes.
Canada was once good and can be good again, but it must continue to exist if we hope to ever see some kind of return. Despite Trump’s insistent bluster, I highly doubt Canada will become America’s “51st state”, and instead we will probably be subjected to an even greater economic decline than that which we are currently suffering. The freedom Trump is offering is not the freedom of Christ but of mammon. My life would be infinitely better if I were an American from a material perspective, but the liberty I am so inclined towards would cease to exist, and I would be subsumed by a new alien form of liberty that is antagonist to the soul. My ancestors did not come to Canada to be better off financially. Yes, I am sure they wanted to see financial success, but ultimately they wanted to populate in the New World the liberty of the old, to challenge and test themselves upon a new shore and frontier. I therefore will not, like Esau, sell the birthright of my children for transient ease, for my ancestors suffered to establish this nation and I (through the grace of God) will suffer to preserve her. Canada, unlike the US, was not meant to be the antithesis of the Old Europe, but to be her fulfillment, her perfected form and for a time Canadians succeeded in this. Americans sought to refute Europe and have, since the War, culturally reverse-colonized her. Canada was one of the first victims of American imperialism. Everything Trump decries us for in the modern era was the result of America asserting her influence over us. America did not want in Canada a peer competitor, but a resource colony and market. Americans did not want Canada to have an aerospace industry in the form of Avro, and they did not want us to have an army that could challenge them. When Trump complains to our leaders about the state and position of Canada, he is attacking the actions and policies of his predecessors, denying their responsibility, even still our leaders (even some of those I respect) were fools to willingly subordinate themselves and their nation to the fickle will of Washington.
To say Canada should join the US is to say the Loyalists who fought in the Revolutionary War, those who fought against the US in 1812, and all Canadians to have existed were wrong to do so, that their blood and sacrifices were ultimately meaningless and futile. It would be the greatest slap in the face we could do to our ancestors, and I would not blame them for praying for our destruction were we to do such a thing. It would be a refutation of Canada and Europe at a fundamental level. The political situation for Canadians is grim. Even if an election were to occur (one I would not participate in)3 the current opposition leader is essentially an empty suit. Pierre Poilievre is the kind of man who has no real beliefs or principals, at least that I can see. From what I gather, he is the kind of man who will subordinate himself and change position based upon whatever is most immediately beneficial. To him it would not matter who won the 2024 American presidential election because he can contort himself to appease either candidate. In democracies, only narcissists or psychopaths seek power, for to rule is to in potentia and in actuality do things that so darken the soul that they could likely be cutoff from salvation. Through the words and actions of a leader, millions may be damned or saved. This is both an apocryphal and Catholic tale, but there was a wicked king who cared little for God or the Church. However, he would keep a Rosary in his back pocket, so when his subjects saw him they believed him to be a pious man and likewise committed themselves to prayer, following his disingenuous example. When the king died, instead of being cast down to hell he was saved because he had, through his apparel, led his people to God and salvation, even though he had done this accidentally. This is what it means to lead and rule. Those of a lower status emulate those above them and if one is leader of all, their souls and salvation are in-part his responsibility.
We should therefore not seek power over others, but we will at times find ourselves naturally in such a position due to age, family status, profession etc. Again, equality does not ontologically exist, only hierarchy, and therefore we have a responsibility to those whom we have been vested power over, no matter how minute this difference may be or if roles are to reverse. All things decline and degrade. When man creates, upon that moment of said creation, the seeds of that creation’s own destruction have already been planted. The principals that created the modern or second Canada are largely reaching their terminus and destroying the nation in the process. The Post-War Consensus I believe is coming to its natural end. It is my hope that once the power of the Second World War myth is exhausted, we will see a return to normalcy. As Christians and traditionalists, our very lives are an act of resistance against entropy, modernity, and sin (these things after all are essentially the same thing). We are to create outposts of tradition in the modern world, create citadels or castles which preserve Truth and beauty (again, the same thing ultimately) to maintain ourselves and inform the next generation. Our homes and churches should protect our mind and soul from the influence of the world, and our home should be a constant reminder that modernity is not where we reside. The outside world should not infringe upon the inside world, and when we must sojourn from our castle, as we all must do, we are to armour ourselves with the knowledge, spiritual readiness, and the physical reminders we need to prevent ourselves from depersonalization and amalgamation with the world. Every place we possess, we are to hold and occupy in readiness for when the King returns. People like us will always be the minority, but ultimately, power and influence come not from quantity, but quality. As Evola once said, we stopped having kings because we became unworthy of them. If we hope to see our political situation improve, then we must live not in aristocratic wealth, but in the aristocratic spirit of nobility. Most people are incapable of this, and even I may not ultimately be capable, but our goal is to strive and reach. For those who are incapable of freedom, they are to follow. They are not better or worse for this, but those who lead must take care and consideration of them so that they may be saved in following those whom they admire and emulate (follow me as I follow Christ)4. Therefore, perfect yourself, conquer the world that is inside you and surround yourself and those you live with that which is good an uplifting. We must always strive to uplift ourselves and banish the evil that occupies us, for if we are freed from sin, evil will be unable to inhabit our nation and realm. Of course, this battle is constant but that is its purpose, to temper and strengthen us on earth in preparation of Theosis. Our leaders have been bestowed power over us by God. We have been given such wicked and treacherous leaders because we are a wicked and treacherous people. This is not how it has to be, and as the current order declines we have the ability to influence the order that will succeed it.
1I have to apologize here as I cannot for the life of me recall who made this statement. I tried searching for the speaker online but nothing of value materialized.
2Every Indian I have met has chosen to identify themselves as such to the exclusion of terms such as native, indigenous or whatever novel term our elites have newly declared them to be. Furthermore, most of what I articulate about the Canadian Indians comes from older Indians who have said things to me that, if I were to repeat, would be decried as a racist. Younger Indians and those of my age have unfortunately been taught to be antagonistic to White Canadians, our history, and heritage.
41 Corinthians 11:1