America the Satan
Canada and the United States of America were founded upon differing principals, which in turn has resulted in these two states representing two fundamentally different models of life in the New World. America stands as a rejection of Europe, Christianity, and history, eschewing any and all standards upon which it could be evaluated in favour of casting the slate clean so it would be unrestrained in creating the kind of society, and ultimately world, most amenable to it. Now of course, the American founders were influenced by European philosophies, in particular those of the enlightenment liberals, but in embracing these new philosophies, the Americans rejected that which existed before the modern era, or reinterpreted prior philosophies to be aligned with the writings of Rousseau and Locke. The cultural and intellectual developments of Europe would still provide a fascination for America and Americans, but ultimately the intellectual leaders of the US would look down upon backwards Europe from a place of unearned superiority. America as it was founded exists as the antithesis of Europe and European values, meaning those values of European (white) peoples, but also of those of any traditionalist or traditionally oriented society. America is the race-enemy of Europe and those of a related racial soul. Canada, by contrast, attempted to recreate Europe and more specifically Great Britain on its hollowed shores, to some great successes and failures (especially now in the contemporary era). Canada is the bastion of true Europe in the New World, which in part is why the decline of Canada so mirrors the decline of Europe. However, this decline is precipitated by the actions of American power and an American desire to recreate its society globally in subservience to her.
Canada was conceived as a nation which upholds the principals of loyalty, order, duty and the honouring of our fore bearers/ancestors. Canadians uphold and venerate just authority. Authorities can be wicked, institutions can fall into decline, but this does not take away their just and rightful propagation. The Canadian Monarchy is often seen as antiquated in the modern era, but without the crown and our fidelity to it, there exists no reason for Canada to exist, as Canada was birthed from and by the Crown. To do away with the monarchy is to do away with our nation’s reason and right to exist and Canadians, those who still identify as such, on a fundamental ancestral level understand this and thus Canada in her soul remains loyal. Canada was created based upon the recognition of the need for order to persist in this Dominion. When America set out to people the West, they sent out civilians, which brought debauchery, violence, and anarchy to the golden shores of California. It was only when the West was settled that order was established and decades of “liberty” had to be annulled. When Canada set out to colonize our Western frontier, the government created the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to establish order before the process of colonization could commence in earnest. As such, we do not share in the American history of Western banditry, and we do not idolize the figure of the outlaw. Canada was granted statehood, not as a privilege or a concession but because the Dominion lands needed a central autonomous government if Canada were to fulfill her duties. Canada was not confederated so as to be an “independent state”, but rather a constituent part of a globe-spanning empire. Canadian independence is not one of “freedom” or “liberty”, but one of being a member of a greater Imperial whole and thus our first duty is to the Mother Country and the Empire of which we are a member. Through the soul of Britain which permeates these lands, Canada had one King, one people, and was part of one Empire, and we owed the King, the nation, and the Empire our service and fidelity. Lastly, in Canada we value our fore bearers and venerate our ancestors because through us they still live. The actions taken by those of our vaunted past were just and in staying loyal to the institutions they instituted and those which they served, we remain bound together with them.
In contrast to Canada, the United States of America was founded upon the anti-principals of fratricide, deicide, chaos, and the worship of money. Having been born of revolution, the American insurrectionists maintain no fidelity to their fellow citizen-subject. The nation that is willing to commit self-immolation twice, first in opposition to a just government and secondly to impose an unjust one demonstrates that there is no common identity or kinship, but rather a rank individualism that is so stringent that no common bond exists between Americans except that of individual relationships. The individual is triumphant in America over and at the expense of the national whole, and even though the individual can achieve great things in the US, the individual is compelled to view his fellow American as a competitor and enemy, not a peer. The story of American history is that of Cain and Abel, first told on the shores of the New World, then in Europe with the Second World War, and now globally as the hegemon. America was founded upon deicide. Not the literal killing of God, but symbolically, for any rebellion against a just and lawful authority is an attack against God, the one who institutes such power (particularly monarchy). The American founders, in finding colonial rule not to their economic advantage, lashed out against a benevolent power and just authority so they could be freed from just rule and able to create a nation and state in their own image. As I have said before, the American colonies were not tyrannized by King George, and the American Revolution was largely fought so rich landowners like George Washington could expand their estates.1 They cared not for liberty or freedom, but for their own individual wealth. Thus, like the Jews who knowingly killed Christ so that they might seize His inheritance,2 the American revolutionaries overthrew God’s secular power on Earth so they could seize the wealth of the New World for themselves, and become their own gods. In America, it was once said that every man could be a king but in truth, in America man makes himself his own god, which is why (in America) we see religions which place the individual and his experiences at the centre of worship. These “Christian” sects are centrally concerned with personal interpretation, experience, and feeling. The existence of America has been disastrous for Christianity as a whole, with American missionaries uprooting and destroying traditional Christian communities around the world, and with American leaders being ambivalent to the existence of ancient Christian communities in nations such as Russia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Palestine. Again, America’s culture is chaotic as a result of its elevation of the individual, and its fixation and worship of wealth is self-evident. In eschewing a nobility, money is what dictates status in America and money at best is an amoral determinant of personal value, and oftentimes the increase of wealth is adversely related to personal morality.
America is not content to exist and be contained on her continent. She feels the need to spread her anti-values around the world because to Americans, their system is the highest form of cultural, economic, and governmental developmental to have ever existed. If other states and nations are permitted to exist, in a manner that is contrary to the American system; America’s claim to exceptionalism and perfection are called into question. America is not content to simply exist in the manner most suited for her and her peoples, but by necessity must spread her plagues across the world. We see this in Europe, with the promotion of multiculturalism and multiracialism. America is racially diverse, therefore a country to be aligned with “American” or so-called “Western” values must likewise become a racially disparate cacophony. We also see this in the Middle East, with the attempt to create little Americas in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we see this in the Ukraine. America must have Ukraine because an American-Ukraine would show that American values are able to be adopted by all people including Russians, as essentially Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. Again, Americanism must become found in all types of nations and peoples, lest “American human values” be said not to ontologically exist. The world is not comprised of “anonymous Americans” yearning to be free, but rather a world that is striving to be free of American occupation, even if those in Europe and other places are currently content in their subservient deracinated status.
Canada is not currently in a good state. With all the current discourse stemming from Trump’s supposed desire to annex Canada, I will admit that my life would be rendered infinitely better if Canada were to become the “51st State” or if I were to move to America. Yet still, America is antithetical to the values I hold. America and American history are not monolithic, and there are elements of American culture I admire and some Americans I appreciate. But this does not ultimately detract from the fact that America, from its inception, was essentially created as a refutation of all that came before it, and I maintain that that which existed prior to America was superior to it. I do not wish to live in a godless secular republic, and even though Canada is in decline, I would rather pass into the night than betray all those who came before me. The values and virtues of America offer nothing to me, and they are offering less and less to Americans, which in part is why we see so many Americans adopt Orthodox Christianity or traditional Catholicism. These religions are collectivist, uphold dignity and duty, and force one to subordinate themselves to authority, principals that refute liberal democracy and Americanism. Even if they are so unaware, the souls of these Americans are resisting Americanism and seeking liberation from it. America has no high culture and nothing of value to offer the West. Democracy and liberalism are not exports of value, and any product that America could and can offer is either of no value or can be reproduced at higher quality elsewhere. American culture is that of degeneracy or kitsch, and Americans of talent are forced to create products (not art) that can be passed off to be used by the moneyed class or for popular consumption. Instead of creating everlasting musical works, American composers are forced to produce scores for Hollywood movies and instead of artists creating masterpieces we see them online hawking iterative works based on popular culture or creating pornographic images on commission. American creatives do have much to fear in regards to AI music and art because the creative works produced by Americans is of such a debased quality that it is effortless for soulless algorithms are perfectly produce works of the normative American quality. We are at a point where America can offer us nothing, not even material trinkets, and more people like myself understand that death is preferable to American “liberty”.