Akathist to Cornelius Codreanu, Confessor for the Orthodox Faith
Editor’s note: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu is an obvious inspiration to me. When I first read Black House Publishing’s edition of For My Legionaries, I saw in Codreanu a figure who gave words to the religious and political sentiments I have always held, but prior had not been able to articulate. I discovered Codreanu through the writings of Julius Evola, whom I in turn discovered from Alexander Dugin. To me Codreanu was the fulfillment and best expression of the ideas those previous authors engaged with, even though they wrote later than him. I do believe that Corneliu Codreanu is in heaven and I in part attribute to him my conversion to Orthodoxy and remaining a member of the faith during difficult times. Tsar St. Nicholas II and Blessed Corneliu were the figures who most encouraged my conversion to Orthodoxy, although more so the former, as I had begun dedicating prayers to St. Nicholas long before I had learned of Codreanu.
Although I wholeheartedly believe that Codreanu is a saint of the Church (I even possess an icon of him) I know that it will be nearly impossible for him to be canonized in the current political and spiritual climate. Although the Romanian Orthodox Church has recently canonized saints who were affiliated with Codreanu’s Legionary Movement1, the canonization of Codreanu is evidently a duty that the Romanian Church is unwilling or unable to perform at this juncture. Of course, we see similar difficulties with other uncanonized saints such as Fr. Seraphim Rose. To the shame of the Church, Fr. Seraphim has been canonized just last year by a True Orthodox Synod, usurping the holy duty of the broader Church. However, to their credit they have only accomplished that which has been known for decades and thus I will not fault or condemn them for this action, and instead utilize their example (to) encourage our Bishops to follow suit. In Orthodoxy, we have seen the canonization of figures who do not represent exemplars of the faith, however since they are canonized I recognize their holiness. The Church is never wrong in her canonizations, however her temporal body may employ the improper reason for canonizing a saint (St. Mary of Paris for example).2
Unless contemporary political discourse shifts, I will most likely never live to see Codreanu’s formal canonization. Yet unless I am told otherwise, I will still pray to this saint of God and will always believe him to be as such. In recent years, Codreanu’s popularity has grown especially in what are deemed “far-right” circles. Matthew Heimbach declared himself to be a devotee of Codreanu, and would wear his likeness, much to the unfortunate discredit of Codreanu. I was never a follower of Heimbach, as he always came off to me as “white trash” and too inarticulate to defend the ideology he espoused without coming off as a prole. Heimbach was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church, engaged in genuinely sickening sexual exploits, later denounced the “far-right” and for a time became a progressive podcaster espousing all the mainstream liberal positions related to race, gender, and sexuality. I do not know if Heimbach ever reconciled with the Church, but it was highly likely that he only fained Orthodoxy for political expedience (which accomplished nothing for him). For this reason, the reputation of Codreanu has been tarnished needlessly, as even without attracting degenerates Codreanu has in his own words stated positions that would make him politically untenable today. I, with few exceptions, concur politically with Codreanu; however, I value him mainly for his spiritual teachings and furthermore, one is not canonized for political beliefs or teachings. In Codreanu we see a devout Orthodox figure whose Orthodoxy informed their political ideology. Of course, in the liberal democratic west, Orthodox political theory is anathema, as is Codreanu’s views on Jews and Communists, yet these things are rendered no less true and are not obsolete in this era, even if our elite would claim the contrary.
This akathist represents an important first-step in the process of canonizing Codreanu. In Orthodoxy, a saint must first be locally venerated and recognized, and the establishment of a proper akathist facilitates this. This prayer was first published in Romanian, and has been translated by Kaleb of Atlanta. Upon his request, I am reproducing his document in full and linking to his page on Medium. It is somewhat amusing that my site seldom includes works or passages from other writers, and in both cases now it has been in relation to Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.3 From this point forward, all text will be taken from Kaleb’s page and the original Romanian page where the akathist was originally published. I recommend that all my Orthodox Christian readers pray this akathist daily in the hope that St. Corneliu will be formally recognized as a saint by the Romanian and Universal Church. Lastly, I do not know if Kaleb takes payment or donations, but the work he is doing is worthy of compensation and the translation and publishing of this akathist represents a great service to the Church. Consider supporting him if you are able to do so.
Kaleb’s Medium page: https://kalebatlantaprime.medium.com/akathist-to-cornelius-codreanu-confessor-for-the-orthodox-faith-d147cff2cb9d
Composed by a Spiritual Son of Father Justin Parvu of Petru Voda Monastery
Note from the Author: When the Captain was assassinated, Carol II’s executioners poured acid and concrete on the grave in which he was buried. Why did they do this? It is because when the body was exhumed, traces of holiness would have been observed, uncorrupted relics, myrrh: all the things found in the tombs of saints. Recognizing the danger to themselves, they desecrated the Captain’s remains to keep the miracle secret. Nevertheless, the people know. They sense it. The Apostle, Confessor, and Captain of the Romanian Nation: Cornelius Codreanu
The Troparion of Blessed Cornelius Codreanu, 8th Tone:
Thy Cross, protecting him from birth, and the Archangel Michael hearing his cry, O Lord, the Apostle and Captain of the Nation Cornelius Codreanu appeared and delivered this land into Thy hands, which guard it by the prayers of the Birthgiver of God, O Thou Who lovest mankind, and art the help of the Romanians.
The Kontakion of Blessed Cornelius Codreanu, 3rd Tone:
Cornelius Codreanu and the legionaries testify, for they became a sacrifice for the Cross and the law of the fathers, with which sacrifice they put to shame the Pharisees, Bolsheviks, and pagans, and they emboldened the Christians who found victory under the Archangel’s sword and made themselves a model to be imitated by the nation.
The Unseated Hymn to Saint Cornelius Codreanu the Confessor
Priest: Blessed is our God, always now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Reader: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things; Treasury of Blessings, and Giver of Life — come and abide in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O Good One.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
O most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Priest: For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the Glory, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Reader: Amen.
Lord, have mercy. (12 times)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
O come, let us worship God, our King.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy compassions blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know mine iniquity, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned and done this evil before Thee, that Thou mightest be justified in Thy words, and prevail when Thou art judged.
For behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins did my mother bear me. For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness; the bones that be humbled, they shall rejoice.
Turn Thy face away from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Ghost from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing Spirit establish me. I shall teach transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall turn back unto Thee.
Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation; my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had given it; with wholeburnt offerings Thou shalt not be pleased. A sacrifice unto God is a broken spirit; a heart that is broken and humbled God will not despise.
Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be builded. Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar
1st Hymn on the Scroll (Kontakion):
God revealed thee as a great defender and Captain of the Romanian nation when, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, thou didst found the Legion of the Archangel Michael, through which the nation was enabled to hear the call and to fulfill the ultimate goal: Arise in the name of the Savior. For this, we offer praise with Romania in the name of the Holy Trinity: Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
1st Stanza (Ikos):
Joy thou broughtest when thou wast enlivened at the crossroads of two centuries, as a “sword between two worlds,” showing thyself as one enlightened and summoning the nation to revive the ancestral dignity. For this, thou ought to hear, with all the saints, these Christian hymns:
Rejoice, O son of Romania.
Rejoice, thou chosen to inspire thy countrymen with a heavenly goal.
Rejoice, thou servant of the land of the fathers.
Rejoice, its exaltation to the spiritual heights.
Rejoice that thou hast raised the nation to the feet of the Throne of God.
Rejoice that thou hast shown its need of sanctification.
Rejoice that thou art the Captain of the Legion and through it of the nation.
Rejoice that thou didst wish to set the earthly homeland on the Royal Path.
Rejoice, O Defender of the Cross.
Rejoice, thou who strikest fear to the enemy in battle.
Rejoice, O thou through whom the virtues of the nation are fulfilled.
Rejoice, for many souls cry out to thee with honor.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
2nd Hymn on the Scroll:
Thou wast named for the saint on whose day thou wast born, and like the celebrated Centurion Cornelius, thy calling as a soldier of Christ was made manifest; truly imitating his example, thine unfailing faith was found to be higher than the whole world, thou didst offer to God thy labor in exalting the worship of the Word, singing to Him: Hallelujah!
2nd Stanza:
Thine ancestors hailed from Bukovina, and their names were known in times of trouble as the people of the plains and mountains; for the sake of the Romanians didst thou strive with love to attain their eternal salvation. It is meet, therefore, in following such example that we offer to thee songs of grace:
Rejoice, O heart born from the heart of the land.
Rejoice that the heart of the land hath grown in thy heart.
Rejoice that in the school of Dealu Monastery, thou wast raised in the shadow of Michael the Brave.
Rejoice that virtue was poured in thy blood while there.
Rejoice that thou wast inflamed with zeal at thy father’s side in battle.
Rejoice, for thou hast learned determination and courage.
Rejoice, thou who from thy youth hast been valiant.
Rejoice, thou who shed not one tear in fear.
Rejoice, for thou hast not feared to face death.
Rejoice that thou hast fought with thy bare hands.
Rejoice that God set in thee a holy ordinance.
Rejoice that thou gavest the nation a new school for the Christian life.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
3rd Hymn on the Scroll:
The echo of time shouts thy name, Codreanu, from the Dobrina forest like a legend, for thou initiated the action and resistance of the Bolshevik danger to Romania, wishing in every way to oppose the satanic ordeal so that the Christian hymn may be heard sung in all the lands of the four corners of the earth: Hallelujah!
3rd Stanza:
The troubles of the times overtook the whole land, false prophets
and foreign nations lied to the Romanians as a rabble; you alone
stood up to them with courage, and then the red flag fell, and the
world, seeing your rising up, uttered a valiant shout:
Rejoice that thou hast reached Iași, the Christian city of the Romanian soul.
Rejoice that thou hast done well in the fight against Satan.
Rejoice that the spirit of thy fathers was embodied by thee.
Rejoice that thou lovest the soil of thy country.
Rejoice that thou wast not blinded by Bolshevik philosophy.
Rejoice, thou undaunted warrior for Christ against the Bolsheviks.
Rejoice that thou hast continued the tradition of thine ancestors.
Rejoice that thou hast stood guard over the homeland and are worthy to follow.
Rejoice that, for the Lord, thou hast raised the Romanian flag victoriously.
Rejoice, for thou hast inspired a nation with a will of justice.
Rejoice, defender of the national consciousness.
Rejoice, defender of the righteousness of the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
4th Hymn on the Scroll:
The Silent Generation spread light and witnessed holiness, battled poisonous and heretical teachings, and opposed the plots of the satanic assembly. As the battle became more fierce, the whole nation cried with a loud voice: Hallelujah!
4th Stanza:
Thou wast an obstacle to the oncoming destruction when thou becamest the head of those who possessed the love of learning, and although the devil and his angels sought to divert you from the road that leads on high, thy work as a leader compelled them to follow the truth of the Lord, and with them, we offer these true words to thee:
Rejoice, O youthful zeal of high sense and pure heart.
Rejoice that thou madest the university a city of faith.
Rejoice that thou wast a resistance to the communists.
Rejoice that the Christian ministry hath been thy shield.
Rejoice that thou was driven from the pagan schools.
Rejoice that the Romanians followed thee to Christ.
Rejoice that thou hast set the arguments against Christians to flight.
Rejoice that Freemasonry failed to destroy thee.
Rejoice that thou obeyedest the calling of the nation.
Rejoice that thou wast imprisoned with the worthy.
Rejoice that thou settest thyself at the service of the nation.
Rejoice that thou broughtest thy nation closer to God.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
5th Hymn on the Scroll:
The idea of the National-Christian defense of the country was borne by thee, and thou hast shown thyself as an opponent to the enemies of God’s commandments; thou wast imprisoned for fulfilling thy mission, such was the reward for a spirit of sacrifice in Romania, but to God didst thou a song of thanksgiving, and we, singing with thee, cry out: Hallelujah!
5th Stanza:
Thou wast made the bear sufferings for the sins of the nation, even unto death, in imitation of Christ Who suffered for the redemption of the whole world, but pain, wounds, and mockings strengthened thee, that thou oughtest come forth as pure as tears, as iron is purified in fire, we stand as torches without a lampstand singing of thy victory:
Rejoice, for thy body was beaten and afflicted.
Rejoice, thou hast not heaved a sigh.
Rejoice that thy hope was not broken.
Rejoice that thou hast fought against evil.
Rejoice, thou punishment for those guilty of betrayal.
Rejoice, thou who didst cut the chain of humiliation of so many brothers.
Rejoice, thou whose soul turmoiled to strengthen thy people.
Rejoice, thou deliverance from the snare of scorn.
Rejoice, thou whose mission was to strengthen Romania’s faith.
Rejoice, thou advancement of Christian thought and living.
Rejoice that thou didst make war with thine own sins first.
Rejoice that only then thou served as an example to all.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
6th Hymn on the Scroll:
The satanic assembly desired thy destruction, but when thou wast cornered, thou didst strike the executioner, deeply crushing him; then the occult wanted to destroy thee, but Heaven protected thee when the Romanian land raised a Christian song, singing to thee: Hallelujah!
6th Stanza:
The tongue cannot worthily tell how the multitude in one spirit was
transfigured — O unspeakable depth! For this, we praise in pure song:
Rejoice, O Passion-Bearing Romanian of Gherle and Jilave.
Rejoice that thou preparest the sacrifice of the Romanian people.
Rejoice for the good zeal thou laidest at the foundation of the nation.
Rejoice that the camps have restored the unity of the soul.
Rejoice, thou who inspirest the good fight.
Rejoice that thou art the leader of the Romanians both in heart and in mind.
Rejoice that thou turnest men into iron falcons.
Rejoice that thou directest thy country to heaven.
Rejoice that thou hast given a new movement to the Romanian
Rejoice that thou hast placed it under the patronage of Archangel
Michael and the heavenly hosts.
Rejoice that thou hast founded a legion as in heaven on earth.
Rejoice, O Captain, that thy deputies hath called upon thee.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
7th Hymn on the Scroll:
The Legionary Movement was made up of those who held an unshaken belief, and they were bound to stand guard at the Icon, but those who doubted remained outside, for they could not boldly sing: Hallelujah!
7th Stanza:
Thou hast made straight the way for the Nation, and under the shield of the Archangel, they proceeded to the pure life, subduing the matter to the spirit and overthrowing the slavery to vain reasonings, to serve always as God hath ordained:
Rejoice, for thou hast overcome all kinds of want.
Rejoice that in one mind, thou hast gathered them all.
Rejoice, who had the Holy Ghost dwelling in thee.
Rejoice that thou receivedest protection from Christ.
Rejoice that thou wast rewarded with mockery and blows.
Rejoice that thou hast cherished virtue and kindness.
Rejoice that thou dost ask for faith in the God who strengthens His servant.
Rejoice that thou hast put thy trust in the eternal destiny.
Rejoice that thou cultivatedest love of thy fellow man.
Rejoice, for the inner state springs forth through song.
Rejoice that the four opening lines guide the legionary spirit.
Rejoice that in life and death, thou art our guide.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
8th Hymn on the Scroll:
Christ the God-Man is the cornerstone on which the Legion is established, and the renewal of man — not the political program — will overcome darkness. And the Legionary Movement — which defends the altars of the Church — through its school will help the common man to overcome the evil within him, the adversaries of the nation, and all the unseen powers of the devil, so that he may chant to God: Hallelujah!
8th Stanza:
The ancestral land is our silent calling, for in it our forefathers sleep, and we have it under our feet, and we have in heaven our place of rest, manifestly so, from which place hath holiness in the nation hath sprung forth:
Rejoice, for the new man rises with the dawn.
Rejoice that thou hast taught a school that breaks forth through history.
Rejoice that the patience of the nation hath been rewarded.
Rejoice, thou nobility of a fruitful soul.
Rejoice that thou raisest the highest spiritual fortifications.
Rejoice that thou helpest to keep us from the sins of the world.
Rejoice, thou living Legionary spirit.
Rejoice, thou embodiment of struggles, prayers, and offerings.
Rejoice in thy labors to exalt the spirit of the nation
Rejoice that suffering is the wages of forgiveness.
Rejoice, thou sacrifice for the nation in the name of Christ.
Rejoice, O warrior, thou who wieldest the sword of the Archangel.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
9th Hymn on the Scroll:
The retreat to the mountains is the way of escape when some other challenge will come to us; and the last speech will shake us, and the whole world with Romania will be resurrected by death, singing to thee: Hallelujah!
9th Stanza:
Risen to new life, the Romanians have followed thee, have joined themselves in the Guard as brothers in the Holy Ghost, having taken the blessing at the instigation of the ancestors, being likened to the Saints in all things Christian:
Rejoice that thou hast climbed the mountain of suffering.
Rejoice that the forest of wild beasts did not srike thee with fear.
Rejoice that the swamp of despair hath not swallowed thy soul.
Rejoice that thou hast built the foundation of a new nation in Christ.
Rejoice that the steps of virtue are climbed in obedience.
Rejoice that in all things thou art a model of patience.
Rejoice, for thou hast aspired to do all in love.
Rejoice that in unity thou ever seest victory.
Rejoice that repentance hath wiped away many sins.
Rejoice that prayer hath overcome them all.
Rejoice, that thou doest with little idle talk.
Rejoice, for the new country grows in resurrection.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
10th Hymn on the Scroll:
The legionary school gave a perfect teaching to the Romanians and
the spirit of the faithful hath sprouted from the village of the plains
to the Carpathian peaks; and the whole world watched in
amazement when they saw how Moța and Marin — transfigured for
Christ — fell in Spain; having faith in the Cross, they fought with fervor so that all nations to hear and sing to thee: Hallelujah!
10th Stanza:
Thou, Codreanu, standest in the lead and the people follow thee, as a Legion doth the country laugh and the enemies are sorrowed, for the assembly, the march, the song, the camp, and the prison strengthen the young soul that in sacrifice gives its valor:
Rejoice, thou holy legionary youth.
Rejoice, thou that settest the country aflame.
Rejoice, thou departure from earthly joys.
Rejoice, thou arising from love of man.
Rejoice, thou promise of life in poverty.
Rejoice, for the ascetic life is our obligation.
Rejoice, thou freedom from bondage and vice.
Rejoice, for holy sacrifice is followed by fulfillment.
Rejoice, that thou aimest for the heights of the Church.
Rejoice, that thou hast been raised to same.
Rejoice, that Christ strengtheneth the nation against sin.
Rejoice, that the Resurrection will be her reward.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
11th Hymn on the Scroll:
The land saw thee as an archangel basking in the light of the Sun, from the Apuseni Mountains to the Dniester and from Pind to the Tisa; but with their hatred, the internationalists and occultists encircled thee, with persecutions, camps, and imprisonment, the assembly led the nation into darkness. Yet, from the depths of history, the century heard thy legionary call, and we join the nation in praying to thee: Hallelujah!
11th Stanza:
Trouble befell thy life because Satan could not bear that thou gavest the country strength, good counsel, and high purpose, and in the world’s carelessness he hath struck thee down, but he did not know that under the stone slab thy body hath become thy relics:
Rejoice, Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, that thou art present to hear our call.
Rejoice, O Captain, that thou guardest us from Heaven.
Rejoice that they students hath sacrificed themselves.
Rejoice, for in persecution more lives hath been sanctified.
Rejoice, for all the martyrs have tasted life in death.
Rejoice that thou findest in the fields a good gift of pure wheat.
Rejoice that a new, life-giving wine flows from the vine.
Rejoice that the land awaits thine appearance in another age.
Rejoice that the desires of the past hath been fulfilled.
Rejoice that the present hath borne fruit through thy confession.
Rejoice that the legionary future is sealed.
Rejoice that the eternity of the nation hath been chiseled in stone.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
12th Hymn on the Scroll:
Thine enemies did not want us to know of thy tomb, but thou growest to an even greater extent, thou art in the temple beneath the Cross and from heaven dost thou look upon thy progeny; and from on high we have power — as thy successor had power to proclaim the creeds thou didst deliver to the world as it thunders through history — over space, over time, we hear thee as we deliver that praise which arisest from our hearts, singing to thee: Hallelujah!
12th Stanza:
The skies are dark, for new torments are in preparation, but heaven will always be with those who long for salvation. The servant of God desiring the past and the present to be fulfilled in the future will learn from the Captain as he leads us to Christ on the road to salvation:
Rejoice, for the students and teachers accompany thee,
Rejoice, for the peasants and laborers followed thee with great faith.
Rejoice, for the elders hath welcomed thee with open arms.
Rejoice, for the children counted admired thee in simplicity.
Rejoice, for mothers and daughters hath woven thy burial clothes.
Rejoice, for the strength with which thou didst accept thy fate.
Rejoice, for from the tombs thou goest forth to the resurrection.
Rejoice, for comfort hath thou become for the servants of the Lord
Rejoice, for thou strengthenest the faithful in every city and town.
Rejoice, for thou dost enliven many generations.
Rejoice, that thy suffering gathers high in heaven.
Rejoice, for the country hath gathered behind thine Iron Guard.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
13th Hymn on the Scroll:
O Captain Codreanu, when the oppressors fall and the enemies pay their dues, then shall the decree be fulfilled, “we shall soon triumph!” And the Lord will receive this dear victory in the altar, for it is the sacrifice of the Legion for the Romanian land, and when the Archangel trumpets, thou shalt hear with the saints how the nation raises to heaven the song of victory, singing with joy: Hallelujah!
O Captain Codreanu, when the oppressors fall and the enemies pay their dues, then shall the decree be fulfilled, “we shall soon triumph!” And the Lord will receive this dear victory in the altar, for it is the sacrifice of the Legion for the Romanian land, and when the Archangel trumpets, thou shalt hear with the saints how the nation raises to heaven the song of victory, singing with joy: Hallelujah!
O Captain Codreanu, when the oppressors fall and the enemies pay their dues, then shall the decree be fulfilled, “we shall soon triumph!” And the Lord will receive this dear victory in the altar, for it is the sacrifice of the Legion for the Romanian land, and when the Archangel trumpets, thou shalt hear with the saints how the nation raises to heaven the song of victory, singing with joy: Hallelujah!
1st Stanza:
Joy thou broughtest when thou wast enlivened at the crossroads of two centuries, as a “sword between two worlds,” showing thyself as one enlightened and summoning the nation to revive the ancestral dignity. For this, thou ought to hear, with all the saints, these Christian hymns:
Rejoice, O son of Romania.
Rejoice, thou chosen to inspire thy countrymen with a heavenly goal.
Rejoice, thou servant of the land of the fathers.
Rejoice, its exaltation to the spiritual heights.
Rejoice that thou hast raised the nation to the feet of the Throne of God.
Rejoice that thou hast shown its need of sanctification.
Rejoice that thou art the Captain of the Legion and through it of the nation.
Rejoice that thou didst wish to set the earthly homeland on the Royal Path.
Rejoice, O Defender of the Cross.
Rejoice, thou who strikest fear to the enemy in battle.
Rejoice, O thou through whom the virtues of the nation are fulfilled.
Rejoice, for many souls cry out to thee with honor.
Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
1st Hymn on the Scroll:
God revealed thee as a great defender and Captain of the Romanian nation when, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, thou didst found the Legion of the Archangel Michael, through which the nation was enabled to hear the call and to fulfill the ultimate goal: Arise in the name of the Savior. For this, we offer praise with Romania in the name of the Holy Trinity: Rejoice, O Holy Cornelius: the Captain, Apostle, and Confessor of Romania!
++++Here endeth the hymn.++++
Prayer of the Legionaries:
Thou didst appear as first among the angels and a second light from the Holy Trinity, O Michael the Wondrous Archangel, and accompanied by the angels faithful to God, thou didst wage war against the great dragon and his angels, the adversarial one called Satan. Thou hast cast down from heaven to Earth him that mocked God day and night, and hast defended the righteous day and night, and hast removed his wickedness from the Heavenly Kingdom, bringing peach and tranquility unto the ages of ages.
We, the unworthy servants of God and believers in the Savior Jesus Christ, enrolled in the Legion of Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, for the salvation of our Romanian Nation, pray to thee, Holy Archangel Michael, the prince of the heavenly hosts and most holy servant of the great God, be the protector and defender of our Legion, strengthen us in the true faith and help us to overcome by thy power all the devil’s devices, which are set to destroy a Christian and God-loving nation, our [Romanian] people. We implore thee, Holy Archangel Michael, who hast great power from God the Heavenly Father, to be present with our Legion, and with thy support may our Nation be saved, and we will humbly and with all our gratitude and humility glorify and bless thee unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer of the Captain, Codreanu:
Take care, Lord, of all my people. Receive them under Thy shield. Forgive them. Give them rest. Give strength to the living over the adversaries, for the victory of Christian-Legionary [Romania] and the closeness to Thee, Lord, of my [Romanian] nation, in the hope of its resurrection. Amen.
Final Note
Vasile Posteucă (10 Sept 1912 – 21 Nov 1972) was a Romanian legionary and poet who worked mostly in exile (1941–1972).
He wrote in 1944 the following about the exhumation of Codreanu’s body in 1940:
“We recognize the Captain in the middle. He’s stronger than all of them. Upright as a Sessile Oak, crashed by the storm, with his forehead on Niki Constantinescu’s shoulder. (…) On the bank, the women of the dead weep sobbing. Mrs. Lilica’s face is all tears, in which the sun itself weeps. Moș Zelea groans like a wounded beast and his eyes, dry with weeping, pierce the sky to ask, so it seems, for a release, an understanding. (…) The striped, hollowed clothes of the dead are cleaned of the last threads of clay. Their faces and hands are black, attacked by acid. Someone bends down and cuts the noose from the Captain’s throat. In their haste, the murderers have forgotten to cut it off, though they have taken care to unload more bullets into the corpses, to give the impression that the 14 were shot at Tâncăbești. But the crimes of darkness always come to light and are accused. (…) Mrs. Lilica pulls out of the Captain’s coat pocket the little prayer book: the prayers of St. Anthony. Then she cuts the coat across his chest. Around his neck are still intact: the sack with the dirt and a few small crosses with the faces of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. All intact, untouched by dampness. The captain’s body itself seems to have passed from life. His chest is bulging, as if he wanted to get out of his coat, and beneath the white skin you can just make out the pink-blooded veins. It is indeed a marvel. The captain did not rot. While the other bodies are crumpled, his is whole, undecomposed. The half of the face that has not been touched by the soil is white and bright. (…) Mrs. Lilica gathers up the things she found with him, kisses them tearfully, then breaks down with a painful cry: ‘Cornelius! Cornelius! Cornelius!’ And the world begins to weep again. Under the shiver of a wind’s wing, the willows weep too, with big, yellow, dry leaf tears.”
So, as we can see, the body of Codreanu was found to be incorrupt even after it was buried under the soil for two years. This can well attest to his holiness and confirm the fact that, indeed, his remains showed signs of being holy relics.
May God preserve us by his Holy Prayers!
Notes on the Hymn and Translation from Kaleb:
Cornelius Codreanu is not canonized as a Saint. This hymn exists out of the belief that he is a saint before God even if he is not canonized.
All the above is the text of the Unseated Hymn as localized in translation.
This is the link to the Romanian text of the Akathist.
The Judgement of the Church is the highest on matters of religious life. If the Romanian Orthodox Church condemns Codreanu, or I receive instruction from my bishop to delete this hymn, then I will delete it.
This hymn concerns a man involved in politics, but it does not exalt his political activity as the object of his veneration. Rather, it is the spiritual aspect of the Legionary Movement which is exalted, as clearly expressed in the 8th Hymn on the Scroll. This is why certain statements are made which are foolish from a political perspective but reasonable from a spiritual perspective, such as the line in the 1st Stanza, “Rejoice that thou art the Captain of the Legion and through it of the nation.” It is obvious that Cornelius never occupied a position as head of state or head of government in Romania, and so could not be called “Captain of Romania” from a political perspective. The phrase instead means that he became an example and motivating figure in the spiritual revival of the country.
The text is thought to be written Brother Gabriel of Petru Vodă Monastery based on his personal testimony to receiving a blessing from Elder Justin Pârvu to compose an Unseated Hymn to Cornelius Codreanu:
“While I was involved in the editorial activity at the Petru Vodă Monastery, I went to Father Justin to get a blessing for a “Bouquet of Unseated Hymns of the New Romanian Saints.” I should mention that at that time (2012) I had a habitual devotion to Father Arsenius Boca, always promoting his opposition to ecumenism (a text disputed as not belonging to him), and being impressed by the multitude of people who confessed him as a saint and miracle worker. I told myself that not all that multitude of people could be deceived. I told Father Justin what I wanted to edit and I read to him the names of the saints whose unseated hymns I wanted to publish. Among them were: Father Elijah Lăcătușu, Father George Calciu, Captain Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, Father Hilarion Felea, Martyr Valeriu Gafencu (a new unseated hymn) and Father Arsenius Boca.”
This testimony is recorded here: https://apologeticum.ro/2017/03/marturia-mea-cu-parintele-justin-parvu-despre-parintele-arsenie-boca/This hymn was translated to English entirely by myself, Kaleb, on the entreaty of a Romanian Orthodox Christian who desired that the veneration of the Prison Saints of Romania be spread.
The translation provided here is not word for word, but rather it is thought for thought. There are some intentional inconsistencies in the translation to fit the structure of the hymn, grammatical form, or English speaking custom. For example, the word “ţării” is translated to “earthly homeland” in Stanza 1, “land” in Stanza 2, “country” in Stanza 3, and “nation” in Stanza 8.
Greater religious emphasis is placed on certain lines to eliminate confusion about what it is that Cornelius is being praised for. In Stanza 4, the native text says, “Rejoice, for the Romanians followed thee more vigorously,” but has been changed to “Rejoice that the Romanians followed thee to Christ.” And in Stanza 5, the line in the native text “Rejoice, strong faith in your Romanian mission” has been changed to “Rejoice, thou whose mission was to strengthen Romania’s faith.”
The Kontakion to Cornelius has been slightly altered out of condescension to the common reader. The native text says, “they sacrifice themselves, with which they shame the Jews, Bolsheviks, and pagans,” but it has been changed to says, “with which sacrifice they put to shame the Pharisees, Bolsheviks, and pagans.” The use of the word “pharisee” encompasses the entire rabbinic tradition from which modern Judaism derives while also making use of a word that clearly identifies a Biblical concept that could not be mistaken for an incitement to ethnic disdain.
Many statements are made about Romanians which have been changed to include all mankind. This is seen, for example, in the 8th Hymn on the Scroll where it says in the native text, “through its school will help the Romanian to overcome the evil within him.” In this line, “Romanian” is replaced with “common man.” This is not an inaccurate change, but it is a change nonetheless. Furthermore, it generalizes the entreaty to Cornelius that he may be a patron assisting all who want to enliven the faith of their nation, and not exclusively a patron to one nation. As it is written, “No prophet is accepted in his own country.” And in Stanza 8, “Rejoice, that the new Romanian rises with the dawn” becomes “Rejoice, for the new man rises with the dawn.”
Another example is found in the 1st Hymn on the Scroll, which says in the native text “we bring Romanian praise in the name of the Holy Trinity:,” which has been changed to “For this, we offer praise with Romania in the name of the Holy Trinity:.” This was done out of necessity, given that not all who sing this hymn will be Romanians, and anyone who sings it in English will not be capable of offering “Romanian praise.” So it has been generalized.Philosophical ideologies that the English speaking world are unfamiliar with have been generalized. In Stanza 3, the line “the Christian city of the Romanian soul” says in the native text, “the Christian city of Romanianism.” Rather than include a complex and nuanced idea that would be subject to inquiry out of potential confusion, the word was generalized.
Idioms that would be readily understood in the native language have been altered in translation to refer to what they mean rather than what they say. In the native text, a line in Stanza 3 says, “Rejoice, for the ‘light from the east’ hath not blinded thee.” This is a sarcastic reference to the Marxist-Communistic thought that institutionally arose, for the first time, in Eastern Europe: Russia. Obviously, we Orthodox Christians know that there is no light coming from this vain and materialist rationalism, but in order that such an idea might not accidentally be communicated to readers or listeners, the line was changed to say, “Rejoice that thou wast not blinded by Bolshevik philosophy.”
Individual names have been almost entirely removed in translation.
All mention of the “satanic assembly” is a reference to Revelation 2:9:
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
The reason for this is because the original Romanian text makes explicit mention of the Jews as being enemies of the Blessed Cornelius. This change is an attempt to maintain fidelity to the intention of the text itself without invoking scandal in those who read, sing, or hear the hymn. The goal was not to incite ethnic violence, just as it was not the goal to incite ethnic hatred of Cretans when Saint Paul said, “The Cretians are alway liars” (Titus 1:12).
Notes on the Hymn and Translation from Kaleb:
Cornelius Codreanu is not canonized as a Saint. This hymn exists out of the belief that he is a saint before God even if he is not canonized.
All the above is the text of the Unseated Hymn as localized in translation.
This is the link to the Romanian text of the Akathist.
The Judgement of the Church is the highest on matters of religious life. If the Romanian Orthodox Church condemns Codreanu, or I receive instruction from my bishop to delete this hymn, then I will delete it.
This hymn concerns a man involved in politics, but it does not exalt his political activity as the object of his veneration. Rather, it is the spiritual aspect of the Legionary Movement which is exalted, as clearly expressed in the 8th Hymn on the Scroll. This is why certain statements are made which are foolish from a political perspective but reasonable from a spiritual perspective, such as the line in the 1st Stanza, “Rejoice that thou art the Captain of the Legion and through it of the nation.” It is obvious that Cornelius never occupied a position as head of state or head of government in Romania, and so could not be called “Captain of Romania” from a political perspective. The phrase instead means that he became an example and motivating figure in the spiritual revival of the country.
The text is thought to be written Brother Gabriel of Petru Vodă Monastery based on his personal testimony to receiving a blessing from Elder Justin Parvu to compose an Unseated Hymn to Cornelius Codreanu:
“While I was involved in the editorial activity at the Petru Vodă Monastery, I went to Father Justin to get a blessing for a “Bouquet of Unseated Hymns of the New Romanian Saints.” I should mention that at that time (2012) I had a habitual devotion to Father Arsenius Boca, always promoting his opposition to ecumenism (a text disputed as not belonging to him), and being impressed by the multitude of people who confessed him as a saint and miracle worker. I told myself that not all that multitude of people could be deceived. I told Father Justin what I wanted to edit and I read to him the names of the saints whose unseated hymns I wanted to publish. Among them were: Father Elijah Lăcătușu, Father George Calciu, Captain Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, Father Hilarion Felea, Martyr Valeriu Gafencu (a new unseated hymn) and Father Arsenius Boca.”
This testimony is recorded here: https://apologeticum.ro/2017/03/marturia-mea-cu-parintele-justin-parvu-despre-parintele-arsenie-boca/This hymn was translated to English entirely by myself, Kaleb, on the entreaty of a Romanian Orthodox Christian who desired that the veneration of the Prison Saints of Romania be spread.
The translation provided here is not word for word, but rather it is thought for thought. There are some intentional inconsistencies in the translation to fit the structure of the hymn, grammatical form, or English speaking custom. For example, the word “ţării” is translated to “earthly homeland” in Stanza 1, “land” in Stanza 2, “country” in Stanza 3, and “nation” in Stanza 8.
Greater religious emphasis is placed on certain lines to eliminate confusion about what it is that Cornelius is being praised for. In Stanza 4, the native text says, “Rejoice, for the Romanians followed thee more vigorously,” but has been changed to “Rejoice that the Romanians followed thee to Christ.” And in Stanza 5, the line in the native text “Rejoice, strong faith in your Romanian mission” has been changed to “Rejoice, thou whose mission was to strengthen Romania’s faith.”
The Kontakion to Cornelius has been slightly altered out of condescension to the common reader. The native text says, “they sacrifice themselves, with which they shame the Jews, Bolsheviks, and pagans,” but it has been changed to says, “with which sacrifice they put to shame the Pharisees, Bolsheviks, and pagans.” The use of the word “pharisee” encompasses the entire rabbinic tradition from which modern Judaism derives while also making use of a word that clearly identifies a Biblical concept that could not be mistaken for an incitement to ethnic disdain.
Many statements are made about Romanians which have been changed to include all mankind. This is seen, for example, in the 8th Hymn on the Scroll where it says in the native text, “through its school will help the Romanian to overcome the evil within him.” In this line, “Romanian” is replaced with “common man.” This is not an inaccurate change, but it is a change nonetheless. Furthermore, it generalizes the entreaty to Cornelius that he may be a patron assisting all who want to enliven the faith of their nation, and not exclusively a patron to one nation. As it is written, “No prophet is accepted in his own country.” And in Stanza 8, “Rejoice, that the new Romanian rises with the dawn” becomes “Rejoice, for the new man rises with the dawn.”
Another example is found in the 1st Hymn on the Scroll, which says in the native text “we bring Romanian praise in the name of the Holy Trinity:,” which has been changed to “For this, we offer praise with Romania in the name of the Holy Trinity:.” This was done out of necessity, given that not all who sing this hymn will be Romanians, and anyone who sings it in English will not be capable of offering “Romanian praise.” So it has been generalized.Philosophical ideologies that the English speaking world are unfamiliar with have been generalized. In Stanza 3, the line “the Christian city of the Romanian soul” says in the native text, “the Christian city of Romanianism.” Rather than include a complex and nuanced idea that would be subject to inquiry out of potential confusion, the word was generalized.
Idioms that would be readily understood in the native language have been altered in translation to refer to what they mean rather than what they say. In the native text, a line in Stanza 3 says, “Rejoice, for the ‘light from the east’ hath not blinded thee.” This is a sarcastic reference to the Marxist-Communistic thought that institutionally arose, for the first time, in Eastern Europe: Russia. Obviously, we Orthodox Christians know that there is no light coming from this vain and materialist rationalism, but in order that such an idea might not accidentally be communicated to readers or listeners, the line was changed to say, “Rejoice that thou wast not blinded by Bolshevik philosophy.”
Individual names have been almost entirely removed in translation.
All mention of the “satanic assembly” is a reference to Revelation 2:9:
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
The reason for this is because the original Romanian text makes explicit mention of the Jews as being enemies of the Blessed Cornelius. This change is an attempt to maintain fidelity to the intention of the text itself without invoking scandal in those who read, sing, or hear the hymn. The goal was not to incite ethnic violence, just as it was not the goal to incite ethnic hatred of Cretans when Saint Paul said, “The Cretians are always liars” (Titus 1:12).
Link to Romanian original: https://bucovinaprofunda.com/2012/11/29/acatistul-sfantului-voievod-corneliu-apostol-marturisitor-si-capitan-al-neamului-romanesc/
Acatistul Sfântului Voievod Corneliu
Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc
Tropar, glas 8:
Crucea Ta ocrotindu-l de la naştere şi de la Arhanghelul Mihail luând chemare, Doamne, Apostol şi Căpitan al neamului Corneliu Codreanu s-a arătat şi ţara în mâinile Tale o a dat, pe care păzeşte-o pentru ale Născătoarei de Dumnezeu rugăciuni, Unule, iubitorule de oameni, şi-i ajută pe români.
Condac, glas 3:
Corneliu Codreanu şi legionarii mărturisesc, pentru Cruce şi legea strămoşească se jertfesc, cu care ruşinează pe iudei, bolşevici şi păgâni şi-i întăresc pe creştini, biruinţă aflând sub sabia Arhanghelului şi pildă făcându-se neamului.
Condac 1 :
Apărător mare al neamului românesc, Căpitane, pe tine Dumnezeu te-a arătat când, prin darul Duhului Sfânt, Legiunea „Arhanghelul Mihail” ai întemeiat, prin care neamul să audă chemarea şi ţelul cel de pe urmă – a învia în numele Mântuitorului – să-l plinească. Pentru aceasta cu fruntea sus aducem în numele Sfintei Treimi laudă românească:
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Icos 1:
Bucurie ai adus când în viaţă la răscrucea dintre două veacuri ai păşit, ca „sabie între două lumi” să te arăţi lămurit şi neamul să-l înalţi la vrednicia strămoşească. Pentru aceasta cu Sfinţii auzi cântare creştinească:
Bucură-te, fiule al neamului românesc
Bucură-te, alesule ce i-ai dat un ţel ceresc
Bucură-te, închinarea neamului şi pământului strămoşesc
Bucură-te, înălţarea lui la rostul cel duhovnicesc
Bucură-te, că neamul la picioarele Tronului dumnezeiesc ai suit
Bucură-te, cel ce i-ai arătat că trebuie sfinţit
Bucură-te, că Legiunii şi, prin ea, neamului îi eşti Căpitan
Bucură-te, că ai deschis ţării drumul spre liman
Bucură-te, al Crucii apărător
Bucură-te, în lupte înfricoşător
Bucură-te, cel prin care virtuţile neamului se împlinesc
Bucură-te, îţi strigă mulţime de suflete care te cinstesc
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 2:
Cu numele Sfântului zilei în care te-ai născut ai fost numit, iar atunci Cornelie Sutaşul era prăznuit; în aceasta s-a arătat chemarea ta ca ostaş al lui Hristos şi ca şi a aceluia credinţa cea nesfârşită ţi s-a aflat mai vârtos decât la toţi de pe pământ, căci lui Dumnezeu ai înălţat închinare de cuvânt: Aliluia!
Icos 2:
Din Bucovina erau strămoşii tăi şi se ştia numele lor în vremuri de restrişte: neamul codrilor şi al munţilor; pentru neamul românesc şi tu cu dragoste vei lupta ca-n veşnicie să-şi dobândească mântuirea sa. Se cuvine dar, cu acesta urmându-ţi, să aducem cântare de har:
Bucură-te, inimă din inima ţării născut
Bucură-te, că inima ţării în inima-ţi a crescut
Bucură-te, că liceul de la Mănăstirea Dealu, la umbra capului lui Mihai Viteazu, ai urmat
Bucură-te, că acolo virtuţile în sânge ţi s-au turnat
Bucură-te, că alături de tatăl tău în bătălie te-ai încins
Bucură-te, că aşa multă hotărâre şi dârzenie ai deprins
Bucură-te, că din tinereţe te-ai arătat viteaz
Bucură-te, cel fără lacrimi de frică pe obraz
Bucură-te, că de moarte nu te-ai speriat când ţi-a dat târcoale
Bucură-te, că ai luptat şi cu mâinile goale
Bucură-te, că Dumnezeu avea cu tine osebită rânduială
Bucură-te, că ai dat neamului pentru noua viaţă creştinească şcoală
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 3:
Ecoul timpului îţi strigă numele – Codreanu – de pădurea Dobrina ca o legendă legat, căci acţiunea şi rezistenţa românească în faţa primejdiei bolşevice ai declanşat, dorind în orice chip să te opui satanicei încercări, spre a se auzi pururi cântat imnul creştinesc într-ale ţării patru zări: Aliluia!
Icos 3:
Frământările vremurilor au cuprins ţara toată, prooroci mincinoşi şi neamuri străine minţeau românii ca pe gloată; cu bărbăţie i-ai înfruntat doar tu şi-atunci drapelul roşu căzu, iar lumea văzând a ta ridicare din piepturi rosti vitejească strigare:
Bucură-te, că în Iaşi, cetate creştină a românismului, ai ajuns
Bucură-te, că în lupta contra satanei ai dat bun răspuns
Bucură-te, că duhul strămoşilor ţi s-a împărtăşit
Bucură-te, că pământul ţării l-ai iubit
Bucură-te, că „lumina din răsărit” nu te-a orbit
Bucură-te, luptător împotriva bolşevicilor nebiruit
Bucură-te, că urmaş al strămoşilor te-ai arătat
Bucură-te, că te-ai pus de gardă ţării şi eşti vrednic de urmat
Bucură-te, că steagul românesc l-ai înălţat biruitor
Bucură-te, pentru neam de dreptate voitor
Bucură-te, conştiinţă naţională de apărare
Bucură-te, apărător al credinţei dreptslăvitoare
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 4:
Generaţia de la ’22 lumina a răspândit şi în viaţa neamului sfinţenia a mărturisit; cu învăţătura otrăvitoare şi eretică la luptă s-a luat şi potrivnică uneltirilor jidoveşti s-a arătat. Atunci lupta mai aprig s-a încins şi neamul întreg a strigat înadins: Aliluia!
Icos 4:
Hotar prăpădului ai pus când în fruntea iubitorilor de învăţătură te-ai aşezat; şi, deşi diavolul cu slugile lui voiau să te abată din drumul spre înalt, prin lucrarea-ţi de cârmuitor norodul te urma şi ale tale cuvinte adevărate le împlinea:
Bucură-te, râvnă tinerească a simţirii înalte şi inimii curate
Bucură-te, că din universitate voiaţi să faceţi a credinţei cetate
Bucură-te, că împotrivire comuniştilor v-aţi făcut
Bucură-te, că slujba creştinească v-a avut scut
Bucură-te, că din păgâneasca şcoală ai fost alungat
Bucură-te, că mai vârtos românii te-au urmat
Bucură-te, că izvodirile potrivnice creştinilor ai nimicit
Bucură-te, că masoneria să te distrugă n-a reuşit
Bucură-te, că porunca neamului ai ascultat
Bucură-te, că la Văcăreşti cu alţi români vrednici ai fost întemniţat
Bucură-te, că te-ai pus în slujba neamului tău
Bucură-te, că l-ai apropiat de Dumnezeu
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 5:
Idealul apărării naţional-creştine a ţării l-ai purtat şi potrivnic străinilor de lege te-ai arătat; întemniţat ai fost atunci pentru că menirea ţi-ai împlinit – aşa era duhul jertfelnic în România răsplătit; dar lui Dumnezeu cântare de mulţumire ai înălţat: Aliluia!
Icos 5:
În suferinţe mântuitoare, pentru păcatele neamului, până la moarte, vei ispăşi, dar durerea, rănile şi batjocurile te vor întări, să ieşi mai curat ca lacrima şi ca argintul lămurit în foc, drum de izbândă şi făclie fără obroc:
Bucură-te, că trupul ţi-a fost lovit şi dat la chin
Bucură-te, că nu ai scos nici un suspin
Bucură-te, că nădejdea nu ţi-a fost frântă
Bucură-te, că te-ai luat cu răul la trântă
Bucură-te, pedepsirea trădării celor vinovaţi
Bucură-te, tăierea lanţului umilirii atâtor fraţi
Bucură-te, zbucium sufletesc pentru a neamului întărire
Bucură-te, eliberare de sub pietroiul de batjocorire
Bucură-te, credinţă tare în misiunea-ţi românească
Bucură-te, faptă de gând şi trăire creştinească
Bucură-te, că lupta cu propriile păcate ai pus-o mai întâi
Bucură-te, că numai apoi neamului ai dat pildă şi ai fost căpătâi
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 6:
Jidovimea îţi dorea pieirea, dar când te-a încolţit, tu ai lovit călăul, adânc l-ai prăbuşit; atunci oculta a vrut să te-osândească, dar te-a ocrotit Cerul când ţara românească a înălţat cântare creştinească: Aliluia!
Icos 6:
Limba nu poate a spune cu vrednicie cum mulţimea într-un suflet s-a transfigurat – o, adânc negrăit! Pentru aceasta noi laude aducem în cântec curat:
Bucură-te, pătimitor în Gherle şi Jilave româneşti
Bucură-te, că pe români de jertfă îi găteşti
Bucură-te, că râvna cea bună ai pus-o la temelia neamului
Bucură-te, că taberele i-au redat unitatea sufletească a lui
Bucură-te, al luptei celei bune însufleţitor
Bucură-te, că românilor le eşti conducător
Bucură-te, că preschimbi oamenii în şoimi de fier
Bucură-te, că urci cu ţara la Cer
Bucură-te, că nouă mişcare ai rânduit lumii româneşti
Bucură-te, că ai pus-o sub pavăza Arhanghelului Mihail şi a oştilor cereşti
Bucură-te, că Legiune ca în cer pe pământ ai întemeiat
Bucură-te, că Moţa, Căpitan te-a chemat
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 7:
Mişcarea Legionară s-a închegat din cei ce credeau nezdruncinat şi de gardă la Icoană să stea s-au legat; dar au rămas afară cei ce-au avut vreo îndoială căci nu puteau cânta cu îndrăzneală: Aliluia!
Icos 7:
Neamului ai croit calea cea dreaptă şi sub scutul Arhanghelului spre viaţă curată se-ndreaptă, materia duhului subordonând-o şi zeiţa „Raţiunii” dărâmând-o, spre a sluji mereu aşa cum i-a rânduit Dumnezeu:
Bucură-te, că lipsuri de tot felul ai înfruntat
Bucură-te, că într-o simţire pe toţi i-ai adunat
Bucură-te, cel ce în suflet Sfântul Duh aveai
Bucură-te, că ocrotire de la Hristos primeai
Bucură-te, că cu mişelie şi loviri ai fost răsplătit
Bucură-te, că vârtutea şi omenia le-ai preţuit
Bucură-te, că ceri credinţă în Dumnezeu ce dă tărie
Bucură-te, că pui încrederea în menirea spre veşnicie
Bucură-te, că dragostea de semeni în cuib sporeşte
Bucură-te, că starea lăuntrică prin cântec ţâşneşte
Bucură-te, că cele patru linii de început orientează în spirit legionar
Bucură-te, că în viaţă şi moarte ne eşti îndreptar
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 8:
Omul-Hristos este piatra unghiulară de la care porneşte Legiunea, şi înnoirea omului – şi nu programul – va birui întunecimea. Iar Mişcarea Legionară – ce apără altarele Bisericii – prin şcoala sa va ajuta românului să biruie răul din el, potrivnicii neamului şi toate puterile nevăzute ale diavolului, spre a putea cânta lui Dumnezeu: Aliluia!
Icos 8:
Pământul strămoşesc ne este tăcută chemare, căci în el dorm strămoşii şi îl avem sub picioare, iar în cer e reazemul nostru, vădit, din care sfinţenia în neam a rodit:
Bucură-te, că românul cel nou răsare cu zorii
Bucură-te, că ai dat o şcoală ce frânge istorii
Bucură-te, că răbdarea neamului a fost răsplătită
Bucură-te, nobleţe de suflet rodită
Bucură-te, că ridici întărituri sufleteşti cât mai înalte
Bucură-te, că ne fereşti de ale lumii păcate
Bucură-te, trăire în duh legionar
Bucură-te, luptă, rugă şi dar
Bucură-te, osteneli de înălţare a ţării
Bucură-te, că suferinţa ţi-e plata iertării
Bucură-te, jertfitor în numele neamului
Bucură-te, luptător ce ai în mâini sabia Arhanghelului
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 9:
Retragerea în munţi e cale de scăpare când ne va-ntinde cursă vreo altă provocare; iar ultimul discurs ne va cutremura şi lumea românească prin moarte va-n învia, spre a rosti cântarea: Aliluia!
Icos 9:
Sculaţi la viaţă nouă, românii te-au urmat şi înfrăţiţi în Duhul în Gardă s-au legat, luând binecuvântare la-ndemnul strămoşesc, asemănaţi cu Sfinţii în tot ce-i creştinesc:
Bucură-te, că muntele suferinţei l-ai urcat
Bucură-te, că pădurea cu fiare sălbatice nu te-a înfricoşat
Bucură-te, că mlaştina deznădejdiei nu te-a înghiţit
Bucură-te, că temelie noii Românii ai zidit
Bucură-te, că treptele virtuţii se urcă-n ascultare
Bucură-te, că-n toate eşti pildă de răbdare
Bucură-te, că-n dragoste ai pus tu năzuinţa
Bucură-te, că-n unitate vezi pururi biruinţa
Bucură-te, că pocăinţa ţi-a şters multe păcate
Bucură-te, că rugăciunea-ţi le-a biruit pe toate
Bucură-te, că fără vorbă multă românul făptuieşte
Bucură-te, că ţara nouă din înviere creşte
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 10:
Şcoala legionară a dat învăţătură desăvârşită românilor şi duhul jertfelnic a rodit din satul de la şes până pe crestele Carpaţilor; iar lumea-ntreagă a privit cu uimire atunci când a văzut cum Moţa şi Marin – transfiguraţi pentru Hristos – în Spania au căzut; având credinţă-n Cruce cu râvnă au luptat ca neamurile toate s-audă iar cântat: Aliluia!
Icos 10:
Tu, Codrene, stai în frunte şi românii te urmează, ţara-n Legiune râde şi duşmanii se-ntristează, căci şedinţa, marşul, cântul, tabăra şi închisoarea oţelesc sufletul tânăr ce în jertfă-şi dă valoarea:
Bucură-te, sfântă tinereţe legionară
Bucură-te, că aprinzi întreaga ţară
Bucură-te, rupere din bucuria pământească
Bucură-te, smulgere din dragostea omenească
Bucură-te, făgăduinţă să trăieşti în sărăcie
Bucură-te, viaţa aspră este-a noastră datorie
Bucură-te, înlăturare a oricărei obidiri
Bucură-te, jertfa sfântă e urmată de-mpliniri
Bucură-te, că spre-nălţimea Bisericii ai tins
Bucură-te, ridicare spre aceasta înadins
Bucură-te, că neamul de păcat se apăra
Bucură-te, că răsplată Învierea-i se va da
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 11:
Ţara te vedea arhanghel şi ea soare se gătea, hăt din Apuseni, pe Nistru şi din Pind până-n Tisa; dar cu ura lor mişeii şi oculta te-ncolţeau, cu prigoane, lagăr, temniţi, neamu-n beznă îl zvârleau. Din adâncuri de istorii veacul, totuşi, auzea legionara ta chemare şi cum neamul se ruga: Aliluia!
Icos 11:
Urgisită ţi-a fost viaţa căci satan n-a suportat că ai dat ţării tărie şi sfat bun şi rost înalt, şi-n a lumii nepăsare te-a răpus, dar n-a ştiut că sub lespedea de piatră trupul moaşte s-a făcut:
Bucură-te, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,
eşti PREZENT! la-al nostru-apel
Bucură-te, Căpitane, eşti de veghe-acum în Cer
Bucură-te, Nicadorii, Decemvirii s-au jertfit
Bucură-te, că-n prigoane vieţi mai multe
s-au sfinţit
Bucură-te, toţi martirii viaţa-n moarte au gustat
Bucură-te, afli-n ţarini un dar bun de grâu curat
Bucură-te, urcă-n viţe un vin nou ce dă viaţă
Bucură-te, ţara-aşteaptă să se schimbe iar la faţă
Bucură-te, că trecutul de doriri se împlineşte
Bucură-te, că prezentul doar prin crezul tău rodeşte
Bucură-te, viitorul legionar pecetluit
Bucură-te, veşnicia neamului s-a dăltuit
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 12:
Vrură să nu-ţi ştim mormântul, dar aşa mai mare creşti, eşti în ţintirim sub cruce şi din cer la noi priveşti; iar de sus avem putere – cum avuse-n urmă-ţi Horia să vestească-n lume crezu-ţi şi să fulgere istoria – peste spaţii, peste timpuri s-auzim suind din piepturi: Aliluia!
Icos 12:
Zările-s întunecate, căci chinuri noi se pregătesc, dar cerul fi-va-n veci cu-aceia ce mântuirea şi-o râvnesc. De vreţi trecutul şi prezentul să-l împliniţi în viitor intraţi prin şcoala lui Codreanu pe drumul cel mântuitor:
Bucură-te, te-nsoţiră studenţii şi-nvăţătorii
Bucură-te, te urmară ţăranii şi muncitorii
Bucură-te, că bătrânii izbăvire te-au primit
Bucură-te, şi copiii Făt Frumos te-au socotit
Bucură-te, mame, fete ţi-au ţesut cămaşa morţii
Bucură-te, ce tărie să te laşi în voia sorţii
Bucură-te, din morminte ieşi cu toţii la-nviere
Bucură-te, că prin asta ne aduci tu mângâiere
Bucură-te, dai putere în Aiuduri şi-n Piteşti
Bucură-te, generaţii de români însufleţeşti
Bucură-te, suferinţa se adună sus, în Cer
Bucură-te, ţara-i strânsă după Garda ta de Fier
Bucură-te, Corneliu, Apostol, Mărturisitor şi Căpitan al neamului românesc!
Condac 13:
O, Codrene, Căpitane, când vor cădea asupritorii şi toţi duşmanii vor plăti se va-mplini sentinţa dată, că: „în curând vom birui”! Şi-această biruinţă scumpă primeasc-o Domnul în altar, căci pentru ţara românească e jertfa Legiunii dar. Iar când va trâmbiţa Arhanghelul vei auzi cu Sfinţii cum neamu-nalţă-n Cer cântarea biruinţei: Aliluia!
(Acest Condac se zice de 3 ori; şi iarăşi Icosul 1: Bucurie ai adus… şi Condacul 1: Apărător mare al neamului românesc…)
Sfârşit şi lui Dumnezeu laudă!
Rugăciunea legionarilor
Îngerilor mai întâi şi de la Sfânta Treime a doua lumină te-ai arătat, Mihaile Voievodule, şi însoţit fiind de îngerii credincioşi lui Dumnezeu, ai pornit război cu balaurul cel mare şi cu în¬gerii lui, cel care se cheamă diavolul sau sa¬tana. Tu l-ai aruncat din Ceruri pe pământ pe cel ce necăjea pe Dumnezeu, ziua şi noaptea, apărând într-una pe cei drepţi şi ai înlăturat pentru vecie zavistia lui, aducând pacea şi linistea în împărăţia cerească.
Şi noi, nevrednicii robi ai lui Dumnezeu şi cre¬dincioşi ai Mântuitorului Iisus Hristos, înrolaţi în Legiunea lui Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, pentru salvarea Neamului nostru Românesc, ne rugăm Ţie, Sfinte Arhanghele Mihail, Voievodul oşti¬lor cereşti şi slujitorul prea sfânt al marelui Dumnezeu, fii protectorul şi apărătorul Legiunii noastre, ne întăreşte în credinţa cea adevăra¬tă şi ajută-ne să biruim cu puterea Ta pe toate uneltele diavolului, care sunt puse să distru¬gă un Neam creştin şi de Dumnezeu iubitor, poporul nostru românesc. Te implorăm, Sfinte Arhanghele Mihail, care ai putere mare de la Dumnezeu Tatăl Ceresc, să fi prezent alături de Legiunea noastră şi cu sprijinul Tău să se mântuiască Neamul nostru şi noi cu toată re¬cunoştinţa şi cu umilinţă Te vom preamări şi binecuvânta în vecii vecilor. Amin.
Rugăciunea Căpitanului
Ai grijă, Doamne, de toţi ai mei. Primeşte-i sub scutul Tău. Iartă-i. Odihneşte-i. Celor vii dă-le tărie asupra celor potrivnici, întru biruinţa României Creştin-Legionare şi apropierea de Tine, Doamne, a neamului meu românesc, întru nădejdea învierii lui. Amin.